William Henry Giles Kingston (1819-1875) was an Anglican priest, writer, and historian, one of the founders of English Christian socialism. His extensive creative legacy includes novels, philosophical works, sermons, journalism, and lectures. He is especially famous for his social novels Yeast and Elton Locke, Tailor and Poet, in which he sharply and truthfully reflected the crisis phenomena of rural society and the plight of the urban lower classes.
This volume presents The Adventurer Amyas Lay, a gripping novel about the sea, battles, and fate full of unexpected twists. Its hero, Amyas Lay, a brave adventurer, sets sail under the command of the legendary pirate Francis Drake. Dangerous trials await him: furious sea battles, the fight for gold against the Spaniards, and a meeting with the beautiful Rosie Saltern, who can change his fate.
Full of vivid descriptions, historical details and the spirit of sea adventures, this novel takes the reader to the era of great discoveries, desperate corsairs and battles for the gold of the New World.